Tinnitus – TMJ – Ear Pain

TMJ and Tinnitus

Tinnitus (or ringing in the ears) is a common finding amongst TMJ patients. The ear ringing can impact one or both ears, depending on the presence of joint damage on one or both sides. Other ear symptoms that are seen in TMJ patients include stuffiness of the ears, earaches, or itchiness of the ear canals. With a plethora of ear symptoms, let’s see how TMJ can impact ear symptoms.

Tinnitus – Ringing in Ears

TMJ and tinnitus have a strong correlationTinnitus can be due to a number of reasons. And while we cannot cover all potential causes, we’ll go over the main ones.

Common Causes of Tinnitus

Let’s look at some of the most common reasons behind tinnitus.

  • the build-up of ear wax
  • ear infection
  • trauma
  • injuries to the head and neck
  • exposure to loud noise

Medications and Side Effects

Some specific medications also cause tinnitus as a side effect. These fall into the following classes.

  • NSAIDs (e.g. aspirin)
  • antibiotics
  • antivirals
  • diuretics
  • cancer drugs.

Other Causes of Tinnitus

  • Tinnitus can also be caused by an auto-immune disease (e.g. Multiple Sclerosis).
  • There are some rare tumors that may affect the hearing pathway causing problems with hearing and balance (e.g. Acoustic Neuroma).
  • Another disease impacting hearing and balance is Meniere’s disease, which is due to an accumulation of fluids in the inner ear.
  • Changes to the tubular pathway (eustachian tube dysfunction) or the eardrums can cause a ringing or hearing loss sensation.
  • TMJ can also cause tinnitus especially the more chronic and severe the TMJ symptoms become.

TMJ and Tinnitus Link

While not all patients with ear symptoms have TMJ, a large percentage of TMJ patients develop tinnitus and other ear symptoms over a period of time. This indicates a strong relationship between TMJ and ear symptoms.

When a patient has mild TMJ symptoms, they may not be experiencing any tinnitus.  And if they are experiencing tinnitus, there is a strong chance that it’s caused by something else. The ringing sensation is seen more commonly in patients with chronic TMD. As the TMD symptoms worsen and become more severe, that’s when patients have the highest risk of developing ear pain and tinnitus.

There are several theories as to why TMJ patients experience tinnitus, but no one knows the answer for sure. Further research is needed to discover the exact reason why. And while tinnitus is not curable, there are some things that can be done to make it more manageable. Obviously, if the TMJ is suspected as being the cause, then treatment for TMJ can improve tinnitus.

Helpful Remedies

  • There have been some positive benefits for patients with tinnitus who use Zinc supplements.
  • Gingko Biloba is said to have benefits for some patients.
  • Vitamin B12 may also prove useful for some.

While these natural remedies have proven to be useful for some, more research is needed to evaluate if these natural remedies are indeed useful in treating tinnitus.

If you are experiencing tinnitus and you have other TMJ symptoms, there is a good chance your tinnitus will be improved by TMJ therapy. Dr. Eslampour has many years treating patients with TMJ. Contact us now to schedule your consultation.