Jaw Pain – TMJ

Jaw Pain – Tired Muscles

Jaw pain can be due to a number of reasons. As our TMJ dentist explains, one of the reasons is the overuse of the muscles. Just like any other muscle in our bodies, jaw muscles can also get overworked and tired. If the muscles are not given enough time to rest and recuperate, that can lead to muscle pain which is perceived as jaw pain. Invariably patients who suffer from TMJ have sore, tired, or painful jaw muscles.

Jaw Pain – One Side

Woman holding ice pack over one side of face on her jaw and ear

Often times the jaw pain affects only one side of the face. And there are several reasons why this happens.

One reason can be that the patient unknowingly puts too much workload on one side of the face by simply chewing on that side more. This can be as a result of a toothache or missing tooth or any number of other reasons.

Another reason can be due to too much tooth to tooth contact and pressure on one side. This leads to an increased workload on that side.

There are many more reasons why patients may experience jaw pain on one side only. However, the common finding is that most of these patients have jaw muscles that are overworked and out of balance.

Jaw Pain – Early Symptoms

Jaw pain doesn’t start overnight. It takes a long time for innocuous events to lead to pain. But before the pain develops, there are other tell-tale signs that are easily ignored. So what are some of the common symptoms that appear before the patient actually experiences jaw pain?

Tired jaw muscles

Some patients have jaw muscles that get tired very quickly. These are usually the same patients who have a tough time keeping their mouths open during their dental hygiene appointments. They may have a hard time taking a bite out of a big sandwich. They may notice their jaw starting to quiver if they were to hold their mouth open for a few minutes.

Difficulty Chewing

These patients usually stop eating before they are done. That’s because they are too tired to continue chewing. This is commonly the case with foods that are harder to chew. Examples include foods like a piece of steak or a bagel.

Sore, Tender muscles

Before muscle pain starts, muscles get sore. You know the muscle is sore by how it feels when you press on it or when you try to use it. Pressing on it gently will feel comforting as it is like a massage. Pressing on it harder causes pain because the muscle is full of lactic acid and therefore, tender.

Overused and overworked jaw muscles can contribute to and lead to TMJ. This can lead to structural changes inside the jaw joint. It can also lead to changes in muscle tone and the appearance of the face. Facial changes become more noticeable the longer the problem goes untreated. Some patients develop ear symptoms like tinnitus. Delaying treatment can also lead to the development of chronic pain.

Remedies and Treatments

For sore and tired jaw muscles the best remedy is resting and icing the muscle. Meaning, avoid eating foods that require a lot of chewing. Choose fish over steak for example. When not eating, make sure the teeth are not clamped and squeezing against each other for no reason. Ice also helps by decreasing pain perception. You can use ice packs on the side of the jaw that is sore or painful. Leave the ice pack on for 5-10 minutes and then remove. Repeat as necessary but wait about 15-20 minutes in between each session.

Sometimes a “bite” guard is necessary to prevent more pain and discomfort. Depending on the severity of the pain, Botox can be helpful at times. Our TMJ dentist can help get to the bottom of your sore, tired, or painful jaw muscles. Contact us now to schedule your appointment.